Florence Melly Community Primary School

Our teaching staff

Our teachers work tirelessly to provide an exciting, engaging and inclusive curriculum offer for our children!

Our support staff

Our support staff provide excellent provision so that our pupils can reach their true potential.

Our auxiliary staff

Meet the other staff who are key to ensuring the smooth day to day running of our school.

Our website continues to be updated and improved. Have a look at our updated class pages – they are full of key information including updated timetables, curriculum maps and year group specific social media feeds. Enjoy!

Meet our Team

We have a highly-skilled, dedicated team of staff who make Florence Melly Community Primary School a very special place…”School leaders are committed to making Florence Melly the best school it can possibly be. Relationships between staff and pupils are exemplary” and “Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about the care and support provided by the school’s dedicated staff” (Ofsted, June 2019).