Florence Melly Community Primary School
Our website continues to be updated and improved. Have a look at our updated class pages – they are full of key information including updated timetables, curriculum maps and year group specific social media feeds. Enjoy!


This page is under construction, as a result, not all school policies are published on this page at this moment in time. If you have a question about a specific school policy, please contact the school office. Many of our policies are available, in printed form, from the school office. Alternatively, if you have any concerns about policy application, please contact our Headteacher, Mr Leach, who will be more than willing to help: a.leach@fmp.liverpool.sch.uk.

Be sure to check back soon for further information and access to a whole host of policies!

Accessibillity Plan – September 2023

Anti-Bullying Policy – September 2023 

Attendance Policy

Behaviour Policy 2022 

Charging and Remissions Policy – September 2023

Child Protection Policy – Updated March 2024 

Complaints Procedure – July 2023

Debt Recovery Policy – September 2023

EYFS Policy – October 2023 

Equality Objectives – July 2023

Fire Procedures – September 2023

First Aid Policy – March 2024

Governor Allowance and Expenses Policy – March 2024

Homework Policy – May 2024

Intimate Care Policy – October 2022

LCC School Health Safety Welfare Policy – March 2024

LCC Stress Management Policy (adopted) – March 2024

Lockdown and Stay Safe Procedures – February 2024

Lone Working – March 2024

Low Level Concerns Policy – September 2022

Managing allegations against staff policy and procedures – September 2023

Medical Policy – September 2023 

Mobile Phone Policy – September 2023

Parent/Carer Code of Conduct – March 2024

Positive Handling Policy – March 2024

Relationships, Sex and Health Education Policy – February 2024

Remote Education and Contingency Plans for Outbreaks during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Safer Recruitment Policy – September 2023

Safer Working Practices Code of Conduct For Adults – September 2023

School Complaints Procedure – July 2023

School Uniform Policy – September 2023

SEND Information Report – October 2023

SEND Policy – October 2023

Supporting Children with Medical Needs who Cannot Attend School Policy – October 2023