Florence Melly Community Primary School
Our website continues to be updated and improved. Have a look at our updated class pages – they are full of key information including updated timetables, curriculum maps and year group specific social media feeds. Enjoy!

Latest News

Welcome to the latest news section of our website! We firmly believe that good lines of communication are of the utmost importance and they ensure that we maintain a positive relationship with our parents/carers. This section of the website will be updated frequently so please do keep checking back for the most up to date news and information! Alternatively, head over to our vibrant Twitter feed for lots of updates, photos and much, much more! You’re missing out if you don’t! @flomellynews.

11th May 2024 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 10/09/24

3rd May 2024 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 03/05/24

27th April 2024 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 26/04/24

19th April 2024 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 19/04/24

22nd March 2024 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 22/03/24

15th March 2024 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 15/03/24

11th March 2024 Updated Child Protection Policy

8th March 2024 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 08/03/24

4th March 2024 Parents/Carer Update – Mr Moore is leaving Florence Melly

1st March 2024 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 01/03/24

23rd February 2024 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 23/02/24

19th February 2024 Spring Term 2 Year Group Curriculum Maps

7th February 2024 Our Updated Approach to Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE)

2nd February 2024 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 02/02/24

30th January 2024 Meet our New Safeguarding Team

26th January 2024 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 26/01/24

19th January 2024 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 19/01/24

12th January 2024 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 12/01/24

20th December 2023 Thank You, Farewell and Good Luck!

17th November 2023 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 17/11/23

13th November 2023 New School Dinner Menu – Autumn Term 2023

10th November 2023 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 10/11/23

26th October 2023 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 26/01/23

20th October 2023 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 20/10/23

19th October 2023 Important Update from Mr Leach – New arrangements for opening the school gates at the end of the day!

16th October 2023 Our Cultural Capital Curriculum Map 2023/24 – Check it out!

13th October 2023 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update

11th October 2023 WE ARE RECRUITING!

6th October 2023 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 06/10/23

4th October 2023 Updated SEND Policies 2023/24

4th October 2023 Updated Safeguarding Policies 2023/24

28th September 2023 Our Updated PE and Sport Premium Strategy for 2023/24

22nd September 2023 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 22/09/23

15th September 2023 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 15/09/23

12th September 2023 Updated Fire and Emergency Evacuation Procedures

8th September 2023 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 08/09/23

6th September 2023 Parent/Carer Update – Welcome Back!

14th July 2023 The Final Parent/Carer Update of the Year – 14/07/23

7th July 2023 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 07/07/23

30th June 2023 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 30/06/23

28th June 2023 Important parent/carer update – staffing for next year!

28th June 2023 Parent/Carer Update – Industrial Strike Action!

23rd June 2023 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 23/06/23

16th June 2023 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 16/06/22

15th June 2023 New Nursery and Reception Starter Presentations

9th June 2023 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 09/06/23

5th June 2023 Our new extra-curricular clubs for this term!

19th May 2023 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 19/05/23

12th May 2023 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 12/05/23

5th May 2023 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 05/05/23

5th May 2023 We are recruiting!

24th April 2023 In Loving Memory of Charlie Lowe

31st March 2023 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 31/03/23

24th March 2023 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 24/03/23

17th March 2023 Weekly Diary and Parent/Carer Update

10th March 2023 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 10/03/23

3rd March 2023 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 03/03/23

24th February 2023 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 23/02/23

10th February 2023 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 10/02/23

6th February 2023 Extra-Curricular Clubs for Spring 2 (after the half-term break)

3rd February 2023 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 03/02/23

3rd February 2023 Parent Governor Election

27th January 2023 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 27/01/23

26th January 2023 NSPCC Number Day – Friday 3rd February 2023

23rd January 2023 Important parent/carer update – Industrial Strike Action

20th January 2023 Weekly Newsletter – 20/01/23

13th January 2023 Weekly Newsletter – 13/01/23

6th January 2023 Parent/carer Update – 06/01/23

5th January 2023 Our extra-curricular clubs this half-term!

16th December 2022 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 16/12/22

15th December 2022 We are Hiring! Lunchtime Assistant Job Advert

9th December 2022 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 09/12/22

7th December 2022 Scarlet fever and Strep A (iGAS) Update

7th December 2022 Chester Zoo Trip – An Update for Parents/Carers

2nd December 2022 Weekly Newsletter – 02/12/22

18th November 2022 Weekly Newsletter – 18/11/22

17th November 2022 World Cup Fever takes over Flo Melly!

11th November 2022 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 11/11/22

10th November 2022 Parent/Carer Questionnaire and Feedback – October 2022

10th November 2022 Our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement

4th November 2022 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 04/11/22

21st October 2022 Weekly Newsletter – 21/10/22

20th October 2022 An Update from Merseyside Police

14th October 2022 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 14/10/22

7th October 2022 Weekly Newsletter – 07/10/22

30th September 2022 Weekly Newsletter and Parent/Carer Update – 30/09/22

27th September 2022 Reception Baseline Assessment – Information for Parents/Carers

26th September 2022 SAFEGUARDING UPDATE – 26/09/22!

26th September 2022 Class of 2022 Leaver’s Video

23rd September 2022 Weekly Newsletter – 23/09/22

16th September 2022 Weekly Newsletter – 16/09/22

12th September 2022 General Update for Parents/Carers – Monday 12th September 2022

10th September 2022 Weekly Newsletter – 09/09/22

5th September 2022 First Day Back Update

1st September 2022 Welcome Back! An Update for Parents/Carers!

14th July 2022 The Last Parent/Carer Update of the Year!

13th July 2022 MMR Immunisations – A Message from Professor Matt Ashton, Director of Public Health in Liverpool

10th July 2022 Weather Update for Parents/Carers

8th July 2022 End of the Week Update for Parents/Carers – Friday 8th July 2022

1st July 2022 End of the Week Update for Parents/Carers – Friday 1st July 2022

28th June 2022 We are looking for a permanent EYFS Teaching Assistant!

24th June 2022 End of the Week Update for Parents/Carers – Friday 24th June 2022

16th June 2022 New Nursery and Reception Starter Presentations

13th June 2022 WE ARE RECRUITING!

11th June 2022 Chicken Pox Outbreak in EYFS

11th June 2022 Dress to Impress!

1st June 2022 Kooth Newsletter – free, safe and anonymous mental health and well-being support!

29th May 2022 PE timetable for next half-term

27th May 2022 Our Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations

28th April 2022 An Important SEND/Staffing Update

18th March 2022 Weekly Newsletter – 18/03/22

11th March 2022 Weekly Newsletter – 11/03/22

4th March 2022 Weekly Newsletter – 04/03/22

2nd March 2022 Updated COVID-19 Guidance

1st March 2022 Updated COVID-19 Risk Assessment

18th February 2022 Weekly Newsletter – 18/02/22

15th February 2022 SEND Sufficiency Report – Letter for Parents

11th February 2022 Weekly Newsletter – 11/02/22

9th February 2022 February Half-Term Free School Meal Arrangements

4th February 2022 Weekly Newsletter – 04/02/22

28th January 2022 NSPCC Number Day on Friday 4th February!

26th January 2022 Remote Learning Activities for Self-Isolating Pupils – An Amended Approach!

26th January 2022 Self-Isolation Guidance and Infographic

21st January 2022 Weekly Newsletter – 21/01/22

17th January 2022 Letter from Liverpool City Council and Public Health

14th January 2022 The First Weekly Newsletter of 2022!

10th January 2022 Applications for Reception in September 2022

5th January 2022 Welcome Back – An Update for Parents/Carers!

21st December 2021 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year – Letter to Parents/Carers from Mr Leach

17th December 2021 Our Last Weekly Newsletter of 2021!

16th December 2021 Our Updated Risk Assessment and a Letter from Public Health and Liverpool City Council

10th December 2021 It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…Our Weekly Newsletter – 10/12/21

3rd December 2021 Our Weekly Newsletter – 03/12/21

26th November 2021 Our Famous Weekly Newsletter – 26/11/21

19th November 2021 Weekly Newsletter – 19/11/21

18th November 2021 ParentPay Information

18th November 2021 Parent Governor Vacancy

17th November 2021 EYFS Closed Tomorrow (Thursday 18th November 2021)

17th November 2021 We are getting a new astroturf!

16th November 2021 Celebrating Children in Need (this Friday)!

12th November 2021 Weekly Newsletter – 12/11/21

11th November 2021 We are looking for a new Assistant Headteacher!

11th November 2021 Parents Evening – The Week Beginning: 22/11/21

9th November 2021 Election Day Next Thursday – EYFS Closed!

5th November 2021 Weekly Newsletter – 05/11/21

22nd October 2021 Our Weekly Newsletter – 22/10/21

16th October 2021 Weekly Newsletter – 15/10/21

11th October 2021 Job Advert – EYFS Teaching Assistant (Maternity Cover)

11th October 2021 The deadline for Year 7 school applications is fast approaching!

8th October 2021 Our Weekly Newsletter – 07/10/21

7th October 2021 Our new system for handing out the Year 6 school blazers!

1st October 2021 Our Weekly Newsletter – 01/10/21

23rd September 2021 Weekly Newsletter – 23/09/21

20th September 2021 COVID Testing – which test to get!

20th September 2021 Parking around the School Grounds!

20th September 2021 Confirmed Positive Case in 2B

17th September 2021 Weekly Newsletter – 17/09/21

14th September 2021 Changes to the drop-off and pick-up arrangements

13th September 2021 Confirmed positive COVID-19 cases in our school (13/09/21)

10th September 2021 Our Weekly Newsletter is BACK!

31st August 2021 The arrangements for welcoming the children back to school on Thursday!

18th June 2021 IMPORTANT PARENT/CARER UPDATE – Rising Covid Rates!

11th June 2021 An Update for Parents/Carers – End of Year Run Down!

28th May 2021 Just a Quick Update…

28th May 2021 Our New 30 Hour Funded Nursery Places!

17th May 2021 School Photographs!

13th May 2021 Mr Doyle’s Mental Health and Well-Being Resource!

13th May 2021 Our Updated COVID-19 Risk Assessment

6th May 2021 A New Project – Parent/Carer Focus Group!

13th April 2021 Our Zero Tolerance Approach to Violence Towards Staff

31st March 2021 Letter from Liverpool City Council and Public Health

23rd March 2021 Pick-Up Arrangements for the Half-Day Finish on Friday 26th March 2021

17th March 2021 EYFS Teaching Assistant Job Advert (Fixed-Term/Maternity Cover)

11th March 2021 Mr Doyle’s Famous Mental Health and Well-Being Resource

11th March 2021 Our Updated COVID-19 Risk Assessment

8th March 2021 PE Timetable for this Half-Term and Beyond

4th March 2021 An Important Update from LCC and Public Health

4th March 2021 Welcome Back and Changes to our Pick-Up Arrangements!

2nd March 2021 A New ‘Birthday Treat’ Initiative!

11th February 2021 Zoom Meetings – A Best Practice Guide for Staff, Parents/Carers and Pupils

11th February 2021 Our Updated Risk Assessment

9th February 2021 Our ‘Safe and Well’ Calls and ‘Home Visits’!

9th February 2021 FSM Voucher Update from Mr Baillie

8th February 2021 An Important Message for Parents/Carers from Liverpool City Council

31st January 2021 Children’s Mental Health Week

29th January 2021 Stay at Home, Save Lives!

26th January 2021 How to Use our School Issued WiFi Dongles – A Guide for Parents/Carers

19th January 2021 Mr Doyle Mental Health Resource IS BACK!

15th January 2021 An Update to our Child Protection Policy

13th January 2021 Free School Meals Update!

11th January 2021 Stay at Home Message from the Director of Children’s Services and the Director of Public Health!

16th June 2020 Attention all Year 6 Parents and Carers! An Update about Year 6 Pupils Returning!

13th June 2020 Weekly Newsletter and Home Learning Tasks! This Week’s Mega Mash Up!

12th June 2020 This Week’s Mental Health and Well-Being Resource!

8th June 2020 An Important Message to All Parents – Particularly Those with Children in Year 6!

8th June 2020 Weekly Newsletter and Home Learning Tasks! Our New Mega Mash Up!

5th June 2020 End of the Week Letter from Mr Leach

5th June 2020 Mental Health and Well-Being Support with Mr Doyle – Issue 6

25th May 2020 Important Update about our Reopening for ALL Parents/Carers!

20th May 2020 Are you a Critical/Key Worker? Please let us know!

18th May 2020 The Wait is Over! Home Learning Challenges – The Sixth Edition

15th May 2020 Letter from the Director of Children and Young People’s Services – Liverpool’s City Wide Position on Schools Reopening!

13th May 2020 Our Latest Mental Health and Well-Being Resource!

7th May 2020 Our Hub is CLOSED this Bank Holiday but check out which Hubs are open!

5th May 2020 A Welcome Letter to Parents from our (not so new) Acting Headteacher

4th May 2020 Arrangements for the distribution of work packs!

4th May 2020 Welcoming Our New Acting Headteacher

2nd May 2020 An AMAZING initiaitive from My Clubmoor

30th April 2020 A Thank You Message to our School Community from Mr Heaton

30th April 2020 Farewell Mr Heaton!

29th April 2020 Home Learning Challenge – The Fifth Edition

29th April 2020 Mental Health and Well-Being Resource – brought to you by our very own Mental Health Guru – Mr Doyle!


27th April 2020 ATTENTION ALL PARENTS/CARERS: Additional Work Packs and Safe and Well Calls

21st April 2020 Mental Health and Well-Being Resource – Issue 3

14th April 2020 Home Learning Challenges – Fourth Edition!

14th April 2020 Mental Health and Well-Being Resource – Issue 2

8th April 2020 Child Protection Policy Update – COVID-19 School Closure Arrangements

6th April 2020 Mental Health and Well-Being Resource from Mr Doyle

6th April 2020 Home Learning Challenges

2nd April 2020 Updated COVID-19 Page!

2nd April 2020 Home Learning Challenges – Issue Number 2


23rd March 2020 Supporting Children with Learning Disability/ASD Coping with COVID-19 Isolation Booklet

23rd March 2020 Dave the Dog is Worried about Coronavirus

20th March 2020 Updated News from Liverpool City Council

20th March 2020 Key Worker Update!

19th March 2020 Useful ‘Home Learning’ websites to get you started!

19th March 2020 The Headteacher’s Message!

16th March 2020 Weekly Newsletter and Curriculum Deep Dive – 13/03/20

16th March 2020 Weekly Attendance League Table

16th March 2020 Important Safety Update!

6th March 2020 Parents Meeting Dates

4th March 2020 Updated School Calendar

4th March 2020 Advice for Schools!

28th February 2020 This Week’s Curriculum Deep Dive – 28/02/20

28th February 2020 Weekly Newsletter – 28/02/20

10th February 2020 This Week’s Curriculum Deep Dive – 10/02/20

10th February 2020 Weekly Newsletter – 10/02/20

31st January 2020 Weekly Newsletter – 31/01/20

28th January 2020 Attention Year 6 Parents – France Residential Update!

27th January 2020 Weekly Newsletter – 24/01/20

17th January 2020 Weekly Newsletter – 17/01/20

14th January 2020 Weekly Newsletter – 10/01/20

21st December 2019 Weekly Newsletter – 20/12/19

16th December 2019 Weekly Newsletter – 13/12/19

3rd December 2019 School Closure

3rd December 2019 CANCELLED! Nursery Stay and Learn Sessions

29th November 2019 Weekly Newsletter – 29/11/19

24th November 2019 Arrangements for dropping the children off at the start of the day

24th November 2019 Weekly Newsletter – 22/11/19

20th November 2019 SEND Information Report

18th November 2019 Weekly Newsletter – 18/11/19

8th November 2019 Weekly Newsletter – 08/11/19

25th October 2019 Weekly Newsletter – 25/10/19

18th October 2019 Weekly Newsletter – 18/10/19

16th October 2019 SAFEGUARDING UPDATE! TikTok: everything you need to know about the video production app

11th October 2019 Weekly Newsletter – 11/10/19

11th October 2019 The New Keeping Children Safe in Education (2019)

4th October 2019 Weekly Newsletter – 04/10/19

2nd October 2019 Our New ‘DRAFT’ Child Protection Policy 2019/20

27th September 2019 Weekly Newsletter – 27/09/19

20th September 2019 100% Attendance Winners!

20th September 2019 Weekly Newsletter – 20/09/19

17th September 2019 Special British Themed Menu

17th September 2019 Our New Lunch Menus from Chartwells

13th September 2019 100% Attendance Winners – 13/09/19

13th September 2019 Weekly Newsletter – 13/09/19

13th September 2019 Attendance Matters – Week 2

10th September 2019 European Day of Languages – Italian Themed School Lunch with Chartwells

9th September 2019 The First Weekly Newsletter of the 2019/20 Academic Year!

4th September 2019 Updated Calendar and Term Dates